Monday, November 9, 2009

Health Care

I am probably one of the few people who could honestly say they don't care about what the end result of the health care controversy is. I'll be alright either way. I'm not quite as Libertarian as I used to be, and I think it would probably help a few poor people although it will probably hurt my own plan and choices.

What bothers me though, is that neither party seems to care for a second what's actually going to help the American people.

The Democrats seem to be intent on pushing through their agenda, although, as an enthusiastic Obama supporter prior to the election, I don't remember him talking about health care as such a major part of that agenda. The Republican reaction has nothing to do with how can we help people, or make America better, but rather, "Either we win through killing the bill, or we win by getting our majority back in 2010!"

I'm not arguing that this surprises any of us. But I'm getting tired of everything that I read having nothing to do with constructive suggestions on how we can spend some time and create legislation that benefits as many different groups as possible. There's got to be some middle ground that we're looking for.

I like to think that the rich in this country aren't opposed to helping the poor (and I know many would argue with my assumption). Hopefully they're just very careful on what they spend their money I would like to see a committee of millionaires (other than Congress) talk exactly about what kind of program they would get behind that more effectively helps the unfortunate.

Here Goes Nothing

Welcome to my blog. I never thought I would become a blogger. I've got some legitimate views out there that aren't getting publicity, and if no one else is going to get them out, I will. Frankly, I've gotten tired of reading the news. It's depressing. There aren't a lot of happy things going on. I know a lot of bright people feel that way but think things could be better.

Most of the blogging I've seen is pretty partisan. I don't even want a political/religious/whatever slant to my writings, though I guess that's inevitable. What I want is an avenue for building and creating constructive solutions to real problems.

I think we can fix a lot of the problems that we face.